Why us & Our Services standard
- 一站式的配套专业服务
- 为您免去英文沟通不顺畅的烦恼
- 一对一配备的专业物业管家
- 为屋主量身定做个性化物业管理服务
- 全天 24 小时,一周 7 天的网上查账系统
- 定期的免费租金评估及专业的意见
- 具有市场竞争力的管理费用
- 免费为您提供准确的租金评估
- 提供租客的背景和信用调查服务
- 代为办理与租客签订租约
- 代为办理租客入住和搬出的相关手续和相关事宜
- 及时协助屋主对物业进行维修和日常保养工作
- 严格监督租客的租金情况, 定时向屋主缴纳房租
- 严格监督租客的租金情况, 定时向屋主缴纳房租
- 免费提供首次和最后一次与租客间的房屋检查
- 三个月一次的例行房屋检查
- 所有的房屋检查都附带电子版细节照片
- 可协助屋主的私人会计提供租赁房屋的租金收支证明
- 配有专业具备丰富经验的维修团队
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online access provides updated information anywhere any time.
- Accessibility to monitor any rent income and expenditure together with report
- Non-language barriers communication
- Free hassle one stop service for all
- Competitive management rate
- Regular market rent view to provide optimise return
- Comply with legislation to offer professional advise
- Strict tenants venting, including references and credit check
- Sign off the contract with tenant on behalf of landlords
- Free full detailed first and final inspections; on-going quarterly regular inspections
- All inspections are accompanied with digital photos to keep you well-informed
- Daily rent monitor and rental funds direct credited fortnightly into your NZ bank account
- Organised creditability maintenance workman ship
- We can assist by providing reports/statements to your accountant, bank manager and IRD for tax purpose